
Niels Ulrik Sørensen

Niels Ulrik SørensenNiels Ulrik Sørensen, Deputy manager, Head of Research and professor

Department of Culture and Learning
Aalborg University
Campus Copenhagen
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV

Tel: (+45) 2384 6031


MA in history and international developmental studies and a Ph.D. in youth research from Roskilde University.

Field of work and position of trust:

I am in charge of the daily management of the Centre for Youth Research along with Noemi Katznelson, who is centre director of CeFU.

Besides that, I work as a researcher and project manager on several studies focusing on young people, body- and lifestyle areas and I manage a variety of positions of trust, including:

  • Editor of the Center of Youth Research's publication 'Ungdomsliv' (Youth Life) published at Aalborg Universitetsforlag
  • Danish leader of "Men, Masculinities and Gender Equality. Exploring Masculine Subjectivities at the Margins", a Nordic research network supported by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond in Sweden
  • Boardmember at NEMM - Netværk for forskning om mænd og maskuliniteter (Network for research about men and masculinities), a national research network supported by NIKK - Nordisk Information för kundskap om kön (Nordic Information of knowledge about gender), Olso University

Field of research:

I mainly research young people, bodies and lifestyles. I am especially interested in how the changes in these relationships correspond to altered gender relations among young people, and which consequences these alterations have in the well-being of young girls and boys.

More concretely, my research consists of the following:

  • Youth
  • Youth culture
  • The developmental creation of culture among young people
  • Well-being
  • Urban life/Rural life
  • Gender

3 Interesting Publications:

  • Nielsen, J.C., Sørensen, N.U., Katznelson, N. & Lindstrøm, M.D. (2010): Den svære ungdom. 10 eksperter om unges trivsel og mistrivsel. (The difficult youth. 10 Experts on the well-being and failure to thrive among young people) København: Hans Reitzels Forlag
  • Sørensen, N.U. & Nielsen, J.C. (2014): 'Et helt normalt perfekt selv. Konstruktion af selvet i unges beretninger om mistrivsel'. (A completely normal, perfect self. The construction of the self in young people's accounts on failures to thrive) DANSK SOCIOLOGI • Nr. 1/25. årg. 2014 9

Nielsen, L.Y. & Sørensen, N.U: Unge i kunst- og kulturprojekter - Unges perspektiver på deltagelse i modelforsøg om ungekultur. (Young people in art and cultural projects. Young perspectives on participations in experiments on youth culture) København: Kulturstyrelsen

Kontakt forsker

Niels Ulrik Sørensen
Telefon: (+45) 2384 6031

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