
Mette Lykke Nielsen

Mette Lykke NielsenMette Lykke Nielsen, Associate Professor Ph.D.

Department of Culture and Learning
Aalborg University
Campus Copenhagen
A.C. Meyers Vænge 15
2450 Copenhagen SV

Tel: (+45) 2029 4911


  • 2008: Ph.D. at the Doctoral School of Lifelong Learning, Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University and the Research Centre of Gender Equality. Title of Ph.D. thesis: "Father, mother and engineer - creating everyday life amid work and family life".
  • 2001: MA in Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University

Current areas of research:

Young people's education and professional life. More specifically:

  • Young people's work environment and workplace accidents
  • Gender / gendered subjectivity processes
  • Educational Motivation in secondary education
  • Young people and 'precarious' work

Positions held:

  • 2014- Associate Professor, Centre for Youth Research, Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University, South Harbour.
  • 2010-2013 Post.doc., Centre for Youth Research, Department of Education, School of Education, Aarhus University.
  • 2008-2010 Research Assistant, Centre for Youth Research, Department of Education, DPU, Aarhus University.
  • 2008 External lecturer, Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University
  • 2003-2008 Ph.D. student, Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University.
  • 2001- 2003 Academic staff at the Centre for Gender Equality, later Research Centre for Gender Equality, University of Roskilde.
  • 2002 Academic staff, Rigshospitalet, Unit of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work.
  • 2000 Project employee equality consultant, the FIU Trade Union's Internal Educational System.

I have a profile on Research Gate, where it is possible to download several of my articles electronically:


Kontakt forsker

Mette Lykke Nielsen
Telefon: (+45) 2029 4911

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